Author Archive

I Can’t Shoot

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Many people believe they can’t learn to accurately use a firearm. Perhaps he person has tried and missed the target completely, or was upset by the noise, muzzle flash, or recoil. Or maybe people they were with when they were trying to shoot belittled them.

The fact is, any one who is willing to learn can become a competent shooter. Your gender or ethnicity don’t matter. Neither does your physical size, although smaller people tend ...

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Why a Blog?

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Welcome to the first post on the Ashinco, LLC blog page. Subsequent entries will talk about classes and changes to the curricula, events that may of interest to readers, and discussions of topics that also may be of interest to readers. This post starts at the beginning: why did I create the company?

Most of the instructors I know teach part time and I’m no exception. Many of us, myself included, have day jobs that are ...

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